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Emily Tellez

Partnerships Coordinator

Emily brings an array of gifts to the team as a project specialist. She works closely with our IC directors in editing and creating curricula, translating documents, and building relationships with potential partners.


“I believe we’re better together. Partnering with immigrant families in our communities to provide information and assistance in their immigration journey is a way of practicing hospitality, to say in tangible ways, ‘You are welcome here. Together we’re better.’ I count it a blessing to be a part of this movement.”


Emily is an accredited DOJ representative and serves immigrant families at her local IC site. She has a degree in counseling and a master’s in ministry studies, as well as a TEFL certification. Emily is an adjunct professor at University of Northwestern in Saint Paul, teaching classes in spiritual formation and intercultural studies. She has lived and worked in ministry and education in Colombia, Canada, Honduras, Indiana, Georgia, and currently Minnesota. Emily is married to Juan Carlos and has four kids - Sara, Lucas, Julian, and Mateo.

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